17 Mar 2012

Two Shaylas in one week

There are some wonderful traditions in Sudan, and they certainly know how to put on a party!

Before a marriage takes place, the groom buys and prepares gifts which are taken to the bride and her family by his female relatives and friends.  This is known as "shayla".  Last week I was lucky enough to attend two!

The gifts consist of everything that the bride needs to start her new life with her husband; jewellery, clothes, shoes, make-up and toiletries together with the more practical things like charcoal, onions, flour and other foodstuffs to enable the brides family to prepare the various celebratory feasts.
There is also the dowry, which is beautifully displayed and wrapped. The brides gifts presented in a similar way; tobes (the tradition Sudanese dress) together with matching shoes and handbags wrapped together and all packed into a new luggage set.  Could you imagine the average English groom completing this task successfully?  I think every time my husband bought me an item of clothing it had to be returned or exchanged!  One Christmas he bought me a set of lingerie, all be it he managed to get the right size for everything - but in order to achieve this, some of the set was white and the rest cream!  And as for the English male's ability to gift wrap - Enough said!

Before heading to the brides home, the ladies at the groom's house get the atmosphere started with singing, dancing and drumming.  The men's role in the proceedings is merely that of  porter, organiser and chauffeur; waiting patiently outside for the women to complete their preparations, then organising them into the waiting transport.

The shayla is delivered to the brides home by a procession of cars and buses with horns blaring, crammed full of ladies trilling and clapping driving through the streets of the town from the grooms house to the brides via the longest route possible!  You can often see and hear a Shayla procession wending it's way through the town especially at the weekend.

On arrival at the brides house, the Shayla party is greeted by the bride and her female relatives and friends and the gifts are brought in and displayed for all to see.  Drinks and snacks are given to the grooms family and friends, after which they head back to the groom's house and continue the party!

Having attended a few occasions with them, I seem to have become an honorary member of Arsim's family - available for shayla's, weddings and other celebrations!  Which is lovely as they make me feel completely at home in true Sudanese style and even ask after me when I'm not there - I can't wait for the next occasion, Arsim's wedding!